How can I use my voucher?

After choosing your products, enter your voucher code left side of the ‘Check Out’ button on the Cart page.

When will my exchange voucher expire?

Your exchange voucher has a validity of 3 months from the date you received it.

Can I return my exchange voucher for cash?

You do not receive cash or credit for the voucher. You can use them to buy any items on our website and stores.

Is it safe to use my credit card or provide bank details on Majocfurniture.in?

Yes, it is totally safe to pay on Majocfurniture.in by means of your credit card, debit card or bank transfer. We use SSL based security. All transactions are processed through secure bank servers.

What do I do if a coupon issued by Majocfurniture.in is not working?

Your coupon may not be working because of any of the following reasons:

1)Coupon may have been expired.

2) It May have already been used.

3) It May not be applicable on specific items as they are already at their best price.

4)If the Shopping Cart Value is less than the value needed for the coupon to be applicable. For instance: if the coupon is valid only for purchases above Rs. 4000, then in such case the coupon will not be applicable for cart values less than Rs. 4000

5)may not be logged in to the correct user account for receiving the coupon discount

For any query regarding the coupon, please call us Monday to Friday day between 9 AM to 7 PM on 8594000303,

Why did Majocfurniture.in cancel my confirmed order?

The following may be the reason to cancel the order:

1)Product has gone out of stock.

2)The desired parameters like colour, wood or fabric may not be available for the product ordered.

How do I track my order status in majocfurniture.in

You can simply track your orders by giving your order id or email id in the My Account menu. You will get How to access instructions in your registered Email ID. If you are a Signed In user then you can view it in the Orders

Q: How do I recover my forgotten login Password?

Just simply click on Sign In and then on forgot your password? To reset your password by providing your registered Email Id.

Q: How can I change my Password?

Login to your account with current password the click on PROFILE DETAILS in My Account. Change the Password and confirm it by entering again and save your profile.

Q: What is a Wishlist?

While browsing through various products in majoc.in, you can add the items that you like or may want to buy later to your 'Wishlist'. Your Wishlist is the best way to get to the items of your choice without searching for it again. Please do remember that items in your Wishlist are not reserved or added to a cart. Wishlist is simply a list of your favourite items that you may want to buy in future.

Q: I cannot access my account what to do?

Reset your password using forgot password link while login or contact our customer service professional on 8594000303 or email: online@majoc.in

Q: May I customize the furniture?

Yes, we can surely customize. For more information, please call on 8594000303 before placing the order we will assist you regarding the customization.

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